Ownership and Distribution
Use of the CaveUT 2003 Mutator is covered by the End User Licencse Agreement distributed with the game itself.
Generally, anybody can use the mutator and anybody can change it, but all versions of the mutator must remain available to the public. Epic Megagames holds the exclusive right to generate revenues from use of the mutator and all its modifications, either through direct sale or paid use.
That said, Epic has traditionally been enthusiatically supportive of academic and scientific research, in general. They have been particularly friendly to the CaveUT project.
For more information on licensing issues, contact mrein@epicgames.com.
This Documentation
All text and images at this web site and pertaining to the CaveUT software -- with an exception noted immediately below -- are copyright © 2004 by Jeffrey Jacobson, who grants permission to copy and distribute the text and image files associated with them so long as they remain unmodified and are distributed together. All other rights are reserved.
The web page titled VRGL is not covered by this copyright notice. Though CaveUT 2003 makes use of VRGL, VRGL is a separate package covered by its own LGPL license. It is in no way to be considered a part of UT2003. Information about rights related to that page appear on the page itself.
Last updated January 16, 2004.
URL: http://www.planetjeff.net/ut/CUTOwnership.html
This page is copyright © 2004 by Jeffrey Jacobson.
See this web site's copyright notice for information
on duplicating or distributing this page or its contents.