Interface Options

The two-walled UT-Cave setup was demonstrated at the Ultra Unreal gamer convention (19-21 July 2002). This was the first time the CaveUT 1.2 software had any serious use and the first time CaveUT had been used by large numbers of gamers. There, expert players such as Ian MacKechney helped experiment with different control strategies.

Interestingly, most of the UT players at Ultra Unreal use keyboard and mouse, but that's not an ideal option for a CaveUT setup. For normal usage, it would be necessary to construct a platform to hold the interface devices, and the platform's physical presence would partially separates the player from the visual display, degrading the experience.

Standard implementation of the UT-Cave used a MacAlley USB Airstick for the PC bought in the summer of 2001. This is essentially a joystick which works normally, but without a physical base. Instead, it uses built-in accelerometers to detect tilt, allowing the player to simply hold it in mid-air. The control settings for to enable this device are (Unreal Tournament Main Menu | Preferences | Controls):

Fire: Joy-5
Alternate Fire: Joy-6
Move Forward Joy-4
Move Backward Joy-1
Strafe Left Joy-3
Strafe Right Joy-2
Jump: Joy-7 or Joy-8
Crouch/Down JoyPovDown
Joystick X-Axis Turn Left/Right
Joystick Y-Axis Look Up/Down

Previously, the Gravis Destroyer game pad worked reasonably well, and seemed to be easier to learn. But it lacked the analog control a joystick offers, making targeting a little bit more difficult.

Obviously there are many other interface options.

Last updated January 16, 2004.
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