Known Issues

The CaveUT Mutator tends to write a lot of extra information into CaveUT.ini when it saves the view rotation and offset adjustments. This may be annoying, but it is but harmless. With luck, future implementations of CaveUT will eliminate this issue.

Animated 2D images that depict 3D shapes (billboards) don't look right in CaveUT. Examples include the background in CTF-Face, fires, and weapons when they are spinning on the ground, waiting to be picked up. These images and animations are pasted onto 2-D surfaces located in the 3D virtual world. As a result, the CaveUT hacks cannot change the way the objects in that image look, because they are already rendered. In fact, if such an image falls across the intersection of two screens, its two parts will not line up. This is not so much a bug as an inherent limitation with billboards in 3D engines, and remains a problem for all versions of CaveUT.

There is a long standing bug (or feature) in UT's spectator mode (v432, v436, UT2004) which makes rotations in CaveUT jerky. From the perspective of many players, about 1/3 of a second passes between the time a player starts to rotate and the time the spectator's view begins to rotate. Then the spectator's view jumps into the correct position, creating a visual jerk. Strangely, when the player uses an analogue input device such as a mouse or joystick, the rotations are much smoother, but still not as smooth as they should be.

Always be sure to use 32-bit color depth in UT's video preferences. For some reason, this approach greatly reduces problems with coplanar polygons in some virtual worlds. When this parameter is changed, UT will typically crash, but when restarted the program will function correction with the new parameter in place.

Last updated January 16, 2004.
This page is copyright © 2004 by Jeffrey Jacobson.
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