II: Install and Configure the Server

Step 0: Make sure your server PC has a static IP address.
If you have the server and all the clients pluged into an unmanaged hub or network switch, then you have to set their IP addresses manually, anyway. If you do not know how to handle PC networking, go find someone who does. It's simple, but not intuitive.

Steps 1-5: Follow Steps One Through Five of the Installation Instructions for a Client Machine (Previous Page)
But do not repeat Steps Six or Seven from those instructions; do not modify the file CaveUT.ini.

Step 6: Start UT2004
Double-click on the program's desktop icon (if it has one) or launch it from the "Start" menu.

Step 7: Optional: Modify the Video and Audio Options to Taste
From the main menu, select the "Settings" menu. As shown in the clients' setup, access the Video and Audio tabs. The server machine display is only for the operator's viewing pleasure and should no burden the server machine. Typically, you should change the "Render Device" to "Direct 3D" and turn on some of the sournd effects.
A helpful trick: You can often get away with the server PC being slower than the client machines. Just set the screen resolution, color depth and other options to mininimum values so the game runs quickly.

Step 8: Optional: Set the Control Options
Click on the "Controls" tab to reveal the settings for keyboard, mouse, and/or joystick controls. At the moment you should probably leave these alone, but you will need to come back to this screen later to customize the controls to your liking.
To get out of the settings menus, click the "back" button on the lower left corner of the screen.

At this point, installation is complete. To actually start up CaveUT, follow the instructions on the next page.

Last updated January 16, 2004.
URL: http://www.planetjeff.net/ut/CUT4Install2.html
This page is copyright © 2004 by Jeffrey Jacobson.
See this web site's copyright notice for information
on duplicating or distributing this page or its contents.